Our monthly newsletter, Bridge, brings you up
to date with happenings along the canal and
the work our volunteers are doing to restore
the canal.
We would have preferred to say that we are
returning the whole canal to navigable
standard so that the Canal & River Trust
would then be committed to maintaining it, but
unfortunately that is still a long way off.
In Bridge you will find details of current
building projects together with our efforts to
remove weed and fallen trees which seem to
take forever.
Currently we are chasing leaks which are
causing considerable disquiet amongst the
residents of Hickling and Kinoulton. Further
details can be found on their Facebook page
“Grantham Canal Water Restoration Group”.
Back copies of Bridge are available on our
In them you will find some interesting articles
particularly if you like cruising the canals,
reminiscing on previous trips or wish to know
how a traditional rocking horse is either built
or fully restored.
Don’t forget to see our
regular updates on
or on Twitter